Many people think winter time is the season to put the boat away and pursue other activities. To us, winter is the time to fish some of our favorite places without any crowds. Bundle up like you are going skiing, bring a thermos of hot coffee, load up your Flycraft Stealth X, and your streamer rod and you are destined for a killer day.
This winter we headed up to Utah's Green River below Flaming Gorge the last couple days of December for two days of fishing on Section A with Flycraft Pro Lance Egan.
Check it out:
Fishing with Lance is always a treat for us because this guy is one of the best fishermen on the planet. People always ask me, can someone really be that much better at fishing? If you've ever had a chance to fish with Lance or watch one of his DVDs you know the answer is YES.
Day 1 on the Green was complete blizzard conditions and temps ranging from 14 to 20 degrees. We had plenty of warm gear and enjoyed one of the West's most iconic rivers all to ourselves. Being the only people on the Green River is a magical experience.
Fortunately for the cloud cover, it was one of those streamer days you dream of. After watching Lance stick probably 30 fish or so on streamers we headed back to the cabin to recharge for the next day. We'll wait to give you the report on day 2's fishing when we launch the 2nd video, but for now enjoy this video of the first day: Blizzard and Boats
Click the link to learn more about the Flycraft Stealth X 2 or 3 person boat: STEALTH X 2 or 3 MAN BOAT
Featured in this film:
Flycraft Pro - Lance Egan | @lanceeganflyfishing
Flycraft CEO - Ben Scribner
Flycraft VP Sales - Brandon Collett | @trickingtrout
Flycraft Operations Manager - Brad Buchanan | @thebradbuchanan
Filmed and Produced by: Kevin Landgren
Click the link to learn more about the Flycraft Stealth X 2 or 3 person boat: STEALTH X 2 or 3 MAN BOAT
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